1. Title of the Project: Real-time detection and sizing of single protein molecule using a nanoplasmonic- photonic hybrid microresonator
Role: Principle investigator (Co-PI: None)
Funding agency: SERB (EMR scheme)
Budget: Around 54.4 Lakh
Status: Completed
2. Title of the Project: Enhancement of Raman scattering signal of single molecules using photonic nanojet mediated surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) technique
Role: Principle investigator (Co-PI: None)
Funding agency: CSIR (EMR scheme)
Budget: Around 22 Lakh
Status: Completed
3. Title of the Project: Design and Implementation of Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM) Assisted Spectrally
Efficient Wavelength Division Multiplexed Communication System Using Conventional
Optical Fibers
Role: Co-Principle investigator
Funding agency: IMPRINT-II
Budget: Around 73 Lakh
Status: Completed
4. Title of the Project: Label-free detection and characterization of single protein molecules using Au-Ag
bimetallic-photonic hybrid devices
Role: Principle investigator (Co-PI: None)
Funding agency: SERB (Core Research Grant)
Budget: 43.2 Lakh
Status: On-going
5. Title of the Project: Ultrasensitive optofluidic hybrid biosensors for specific detection of single protein molecules
in real-time
Role: Principle investigator (Co-PI: None)
Funding agency: SERB (EEQ Scheme)
Budget: Nearly 40 Lakhs
Status: On-going
6. Title of the Project: Study of transport of intensity equation for quantitative phase imaging
Role: Co-Principle investigator
Funding agency: CSIR (EMR scheme)
Proposed Budget: 29.5 Lakh
Status: On-going