INVENTION AWARD for the United States (US) patent (# US 9,170,203 B2).
BEST PAPER AWARD at the 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied Physics & Material Science (RAM-2024) held in Bikaner, Rajasthan.
BEST POSTER AWARD on the Research Scholar’s Day celebration at IIT Patna in 2024.
BEST POSTER AWARD in International Conference on Advances in Spectroscopic Techniques and Materials (ASTM-2024), IIT(ISM), Dhanbad.
ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY SPONSORED AWARD for the 8th International Conference ICANN 2023, IIT Guwahati.
BEST POSTER AWARD in National Conference on Frontiers in Physics (NCFP)-2023 held at Central University of South Bihar.
MERIT CERTIFICATE for the poster presentation in the workshop on Women in Optics and Photonics in India (WOPI) – 2022 held in Bangalore.
BEST POSTER AWARD in 1st International Conference on Condensed Matter & Applied Physics - 2015, held in Bikaner, Rajasthan
BEST POSTER AWARD in SERB school held at IIT Patna, Year: 2015.
MERIT AWARD for the oral presentation at the ICOP-2015 held at the University of Calcutta.
FIRST MERIT PRIZE for the poster presentation on the National Science Day 2015, IIT Patna.
SECOND MERIT PRIZE for the poster presentation on the National Science Day 2015, IIT Patna.
Selected as the BEST TEACHER for PG students in 2020 in the Dept. of Physics, IIT Patna, based on the highest feedback score.
Selected as the BEST TEACHER for PG students in 2017 in the Dept. of Physics, IIT Patna, based on the highest feedback score.
Selected as the BEST TEACHER for post-graduate students in 2016 in the Dept. of Physics, IIT Patna based on the highest feedback score.
BEST POSTER AWARD in 2nd International Conference on Condensed Matter & Applied Physics - 2017, Rajasthan.
BEST POSTER AWARD on the day of the Research Scholar’s Day celebration in 2017, IIT Patna.
MERIT AWARD for the oral presentation on the day of the National Science Day celebration 2017, IIT Patna.
MERIT AWARD for the poster presentation on National Science Day – 2018, IIT Patna.
MERIT AWARD for the oral presentation in the “Young Scientist Session” of the conference ASTM-2018 held at IIT (ISM), Dhanbad.
Research work done at IIT Patna was highlighted in the Nature India News in 2016.
Research invention during the post-doctoral research showed on the TELEVISIONS in the United States of America in 2022.
Research invention during the post-doctoral research highlighted in the home page of Applied Physics Letters Journal in 2012.
Research invention during the post-doctoral research was highlighted in 16 Science News articles in 2012.
Research invention during the post-doctoral research was highlighted in 17 Science News articles in 2013.
Research work done during my Ph. D program was highlighted in the Nature India News in 2011.
National Science Foundation Fellowship (Aug. 2011-Aug. 2013).
MERIT PRIZE for paper presented in the International Conference on Futuristic Science & Technology in Frontier areas & 2nd Annual Conference of Indian JSPS Alumni Association, 2011.
PROFICIENCY PRIZE in the Convocation-2015 for M. Tech. Project supervised by me